Deus Ex Photos
High School Student Photomedia Work
Through the use of a wide angle lens a beautiful architectural study is created. This photograph takes into consideration the sweeping curve of the stairwell and the dynamic visual pathway generated within this image .
This image examines the students relationship with her family and cultural Chinese background. By assembling an image that is both her and her mother the audience recognises the close link.
This photograph was taken by a diving enthusiast passionate about how the sea floor reminded her of a garden.
The repetition of the lanterns creates a luminous pattern in this composition. The rich warm hues of the lanterns glow behind the dark night sky.
The key light and black backdrop help to abstract this everyday object. The image work with a rule of thirds composition.
This evocative image demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of lighting and depth of field to ensure the depiction of the subject is emotionally charged. The key light (the street light used for this) creates a halo around the subject hair, this coupled with the shallow depth of field carries the full weight of attention to the subject.
The use of a fast shutter speed, high constrst black and while film combined to make a powerful photograph. This is further extended as the amusement park ride is completely empty. The visual lines and patterns make this a compelling image.
Lighting, composition and time are all employed to produce this stunning vista of Sydney. The slightly slow shutter speed makes the clouds and water appear moving, as well as illuminating the details of the bridge.